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- Engaging talks

- Music, humor, storytelling

- Church wisdom in everyday terms

- Scriptural & prayerful

Parish Missions & Retreats:

   Seeing with Easter Eyes - 3 Night Parish Mission

Jesus changed everything. He won the victory over sin, death, and evil. So how come when we look around at the world it doesn't always look that way? Through the scriptural stories of Jesus' resurrection, explore how believers, families, and communities can live the radical, transformative vision of Jesus' resurrection.


   Be Not Afraid - 3 Night Parish Mission

It's a scary confusing world out there and it seems to be getting crazier every day. How would the saints respond? What can our faith teach us? Discover treasures from the wisdom and history of the Church to help us unlock the secrets to living boldly and unafraid in the midst of the modern world.


Mike will work with you on a theme of your choosing.

Frequent talk topics:

   "Gender & Theology of the Body"

How the teachings of St. John Paul II can help us compassionately and faithfully navigate the ideas of gender and sex in the modern world. Includes interactive Q&A and personal stories.

  "Things Are not Always As They Appear" - Eucharistic Revival

Getting the most out of Adoration and Mass.  Understanding the Real Presence of Jesus. What does it mean for my life?

 "The Power of Love" - Sex, Love, & Chastity

Why it's about so much more than just waiting.

For single sex or coed groups

  "Where is Your Treasure?"

Identifying everyday idols and putting God first.

  St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body

What is it? A basic overview of John Paul's thought and how it helps us navigate some of the modern world's biggest questions

  "It's a Field Trip, Not a Guilt Trip" - Social Justice, Solidarity, & Charity

Applying Jesus' radical message of love and the Church's social teaching for serving the poor & marginalized

  "What do you want, God?" - Vocation

How do I hear the voice of God? How do I find the courage to follow it?

  "Imago Dei: Who am I?"

Finding and founding my identity in God

  "Why I Love Being Catholic"

With Brian Wilson (percussionist).  A cradle Catholic and a convert both share their stories of coming to love the Catholic faith.  Includes music set.

  "Esto Vir: Be a Man"

What is Christian manliness and how do we find it?

What does it mean to be a man like Christ?

For men.

   "Doubt, Science, & Faith"

Can a Christian follow science and God? What about miracles? Evolution? The bible? How do I know if God is real?

​  "Mercy Wins!"

What is mercy?  How do we receive and live the message of Jesus' mercy?

  Spirituality & Prayer

Discovering & Developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

  Discussing Abortion Productively

How to effectively engage the Pro-Choice position

  "Live with No Regrets" - Confession

The power of the sacrament of Reconciliation

​  Online talks:

Check out my YouTube page for more talks.


Contagious Catholicism: from the "Be Not Afraid" Online Conference

An excerpt from my talk  at the Couples for Christ National Youth Conference

© 2024 Michael Tenney

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